I realized last night the muscadines are ready to pick. Like right now, ready to be turned into a delicious jelly that you could just eat straight from the jar if you were so inclined.
I innocently walked out to the chicken coop to take a look at the girls and to throw them an old apple core. I sauntered over to the muscadine vine to take a peek because Mark had mentioned they would be ready to pick pretty soon. Imagine my surprise when I lifted the leaves and saw--all black berries. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
And guess what? Tonight nine little ten year old girls are coming to spend the night. Do you think they would think it would be fun to pick berries? And peel apples? Or shuck corn?
I'm just kidding.
****Edited to Add: Its 9:26 pm and we have made tye-dye shirts, made homemade lip gloss, the girls have picked muscadines, gathered the eggs and chased the chickens, and performed two fashion shows for me and one movie has been watched. We have had an ice cream sundae bar and they are about to watch another movie. Their goal is to stay up ALL NIGHT LONG (said in a giggling voice). I predict they will make it til about 10:30. We'll see.
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