2. Making 30 pancakes is really no more trouble than making 10. Seriously.
3. Shy little girls who hardly ever utter a peep will turn into the Life of the Party at 2:30 am, after eating seven bite-sized Snickers in a row. Ask me how I know.
4. I have been wanting more reading time and last night I read a 408 page book about Laura Bush. I think I should have specified I would prefer that time not to be the 10 pm till 4:30 am range.
(Creating can be messy work)
5. Five of the ten girls accomplished their goal of STAYING UP ALL NIGHT LONG (said in a giggling voice). The last time I got up to tell them to calm down was 4:45 am, but when I got up at 6:15 am to get Mark off to work they were all out like lights. One of them had just fallen in the floor and landed there sound asleep. For modesty's sake I covered her up with a sleeping bag and she did not even move.
6. If you make picking muscadines sound like lots of fun and give each girl her own little basket they will happily trot outside to do your bidding. Until someone mumbles that this feels like work, and hot work at that. We had our hottest day of the year yesterday.
7. Little House vs. Kit Kittridge is a hard battle fought. You should have seen the politics being played out between these ten girls trying to decide which one to watch first.
Best Line of the Night: (as the girls are deciding to continue with their "staying-up-all-night plan")
"Well, I have stayed up all night for at least five times and it is NOT as fun as it sounds."(Some got to hold their first chicken. I can just imagine going to these girl's weddings one day and them introducing me to their groom. "And this is Mrs. Clark. I got to hold a chicken at her house when I was ten...")
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