This week has been
one of those weeks. Stress abounded and I don't do stress well-mentally or physically. It all falls under, "this too shall pass" as I guess just about everything does, but some of it is pretty serious business which I may share about later. Some of it was just school starting, getting a new roof in the middle of Hurricane Issac predictions (which I could write a novel about but won't), children being children, etc....
So, in absence of anything entertaining or enlightening or even remotely funny I will show you some pictures of two of my kiddos.
Matt, Tyler, and Mark went off last weekend with the Scouts and from the pictures it looked likes they had a great time. Mark had a good time until he got whacked in the face by Matt's knee on a tubing excursion. His face is still black and swollen.
Scruffy, the most wonderful-little-tiny-precious kitty cat in the whole wide world is growing up. As is my Abbie-girl. Someone tell me how to stop time!
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