2. I made salsa and tomato juice yesterday.
3. This morning I am working on muscadine jelly. One batch down and one to go. Later this week I will be making applesauce, apple pie filling, and then it will be time to work on the pears. And by then more tomatoes will have turned and it will be time to make more salsa. And then I will say, "Why do we do this every year?" And then I will see the filled pantry and realize why we do this every year, but will be so glad I don't have to do it again for 11 more months.
4. My youngest child, age 4.5, has decided that he knows everything. As in everything. Oh boy.
5. One of my children (obviously not the one above) admitted freely they made a very bad decision and took the consequence without arguing or tears. And I then went and looked out to see if the sun was still there and life as we know it was going to go on. This was a huge day in my parenting career.
6. It is so hot outside.
What's going on in your Little House today?
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