James looks up innocently from his breakfast and casually says, "I know where they are."
"Where?", I innocently replied.
"In the backyard. I buried them out there."
After a round of questioning in which I received no answers that made any sense, I sent him out in the yard to dig up my spoons and bring the inside.
I continued to load up the dishwasher. I got everything in except the missing spoons and still no sight of James or said spoons. I go to the back door and he is wondering aimlessly around the yard.
Upon my questioning on why he was not digging up spoons he replied,
"I can't remember where I buried them."
So I have the children combing the yard for buried spoons.
You just never know what the day will hold around here.
I will update as the Saga of the Spoons unravels.
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