"I don't want to."
One way streets are of the devil and having to take my child to get a permit to drive a vehicle is not sitting well with me. Because I don't want to teach anyone to drive-- I can barely teach fractions. And we have hit the wall on algebra and are actively looking for a tutor.
A driving tutor?!!!!!!!
Is there such a thing?
Anyhoos, I found this pin and laughed until I cried. I bet you will too. And maybe it will give me something to think about as I am standing at the courthouse for hours with my 15 and 6 year old. And I predict that 6 year old will have to go to the bathroom approximately 7 times while we are standing in line. His bladder suddenly becomes full whenever we
a) get in a long line
b) sit down in church
c) get in the car to go anywhere
d) I sit down to read a book and although I don't have to help him in the bathroom anymore he still feels the need to tell me he has to go and why. Its only when I have a book in my hand though.
So, go watch this and maybe you will get some new laugh lines-I know I did.
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