(Please forgive the horrible pictures.)
I know right now many moms are thinking and planning for next year's curriculum. So I thought I would throw in my one cents worth about History.
I have been using Veritas Press and their history cards for two years now. I LOVE them! I can't imagine doing anything else. I probably don't use them just like they were planned, but it works for us.
Each set of cards covers a specific time period and it helps keep me on track. This year we did the Middle Ages to the Reformation. Each card covers a topic and at the bottom of the card are extra resources you can use to extend the lesson. It usually takes us about a week to cover one card (working three days a week). When you order the catalog there are also many other book listings you can get to go along with the cards. I like this because they have such a wide age range for each time period. That is good when I have three all doing the same history curriculum, but there is an age range from 4th to 7th grade. I can pick and choose which books I want them to read on their own and then which books I will read to them myself.
I do buy some of the books from Veritas Press, but mostly I just use the library.
This year I also discovered Story of the World. LOVE it also. I like Veritas Press because it covers lots of Church History. Story of the World covers the WHOLE world. So now I am combining them both. And it isn't hard at all. Story of the World has a timeline in the back and I can just look through the cards and then fit them in where they need to go. Story of the World is so teacher-friendly. You just read the next topic. I have learned so much myself.
I am not an expert reviewer, as I'm sure you can tell, but I wanted to tell you about this two great resources.
****Oh, and the Veritas Press people and the Story of the World people have no earthly idea who I am. They didn't send me anything free, but if they ever want to I certainly will not turn them down!
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