This & That...

~Mark was able to start tilling the garden plot yesterday.  Oh, me-its starting to feel real now.

~I made Money Saving Mom's Freezer Biscuits (2 batches!) Saturday and took pictures of the process to show anyone interested and who will not believe that I did it, and Abbie took the camera, with the memory card, to church last night, "Just Because" and it did not make it home.  Arggggg.....  But I have four bags of biscuits ready to cook.  :)

~Goats Beatrice and Buddy got their collars locked up together and became the two-headed goat for awhile.  I didn't see, but Mark said it was some funny stuff.

~Abbie starts another round of piano lessons today.  We are off the violin and back into piano now.  We are finished with children's choir so she needed something to fill that time.  Just kidding-I love that she likes to try new things and be sociable.  I just wish there was a person who loved to drive her to all these events.

~The cold weather needs to stop NOW.  I feel like I cannot get awake because of the cold.  I feel like I am in a stupor just wondering around standing and staring.  The only relief is my electric throw, but there is a problem-when I sit under it I almost immediately fall asleep.  Doesn't matter what time of day it is.  Its like a sleeping pill that works on the spot.

~Speaking of falling asleep.  In an effort to try to keep myself awake and because I tend to lean toward the lazy if available I am starting today with walking again.  I am going to be doing it inside because did I mention the cold????  Thirty minutes every day for the month of March.  Except for Sundays.  Because Sunday afternoons are for naps under the heated throw.  So, today starts the new Walking Wendy.  Cause I tried running and it just really hurt.  Maybe if I can actually do the 30 minutes a day for the month of March there might be a little surprise for you at the end-you know, for putting up with my whining and complaining about the new improved Walking Wendy.  To keep myself accountable I plan to do a little update on Saturday evenings.  

~What this and that is happening at your house this week?

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