A Big Day Around Here...

 Argggg.... A big day at my house and my pictures are acting all catawalky. 

My big boys got a Jeep yesterday!  Their Aunt Mollie, who lives in Boston, had it shipped down to them.  It arrived this weekend while they were at a Scout campout so they were in for a big surprise when they got home around 4 yesterday.  Super-sized surprised.  They couldn't stop smiling.  They called Mollie almost screaming. 

It was so fun to see them going back and forth to the window looking at it and we would realize they were gone and they would both be just sitting out in it.  :)   It is a stick shift so they (and I) have to learn to drive it, but it is going to be fun!

I wish there was some way I could let Mollie know how grateful we are for this gift for our children.  Thank you Mollie!!!!!!!!!!

You have just read the article entitled A Big Day Around Here.... Please read the article from Dias Largos About https://diaslargosbsosguarros.blogspot.com/2013/03/a-big-day-around-here.html


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