~Don't forget to go and get your
Educents $10 gift card here . The site launches April 2 and I can't wait to see what all they offer. I will receive $1 credit when you sign up and you will receive $1 when your friends sign up under your link. Remember, you do not have to be a homeschooler-anyone can sign up.
~ Here are lots of
good printables. I guess I have the new school year on my mind.
This site seems great for anyone that teaches-anything! Its a site where teachers can put all their hard work out there for other teachers to benefit from. The prices seem very reasonable.
~I love me some free stuff.
Here's a whole site dedicated to free stuff. I am very careful about what I sign up for because I don't want all the Internet to know all my business, but if its a simple form I'm gonna sign up. Love getting freebies in the mail!
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more. And you can also bookmark this page with the URL : https://diaslargosbsosguarros.blogspot.com/2013/03/friday-linky-loos_22.html
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