A Long Few Days....

What a couple of days it has been!  It seems like we have had about two months crammed into the past five days.  Saturday night it felt like two years worth.

We have had lots of family things, and mostly not too good, going on.  Thursday afternoon James had some kind of allergic reaction to something and it was pretty severe.  We were at the doctor three times in three days and now he is on "allergy watch" until we can get the allergy testing done.  Mark and I had to learn how to use an Epi-Pen and that is scary to me.  Hopefully we can get in with an allergist soon and get some things resolved.  My mommy gut instinct is that something outside bit him (we know he already has a very low tolerance for ant bites-he runs a fever and swells up just from them), and that does not bode well as we live on seven acres all filled with all kinds of bugs.  We'll see though.  He also had walnuts and pistachios with his breakfast that morning and the doctor wants him tested for tree nut allergies.

There are other things, healthwise, with several people I am close to or work with my family, and I mentioned to a friend yesterday, "I would just like some good news.  Just a little bit."

I am somewhat down about all this, but having four children in the house all day long, doesn't leave much time for mopiness (is that a word?).  I am just trying to "do the next thing", but here lately I am not even sure what the next thing should be.  School is taking up a lot of time, and that is the way it should be, but adding James as an official fourth, and really trying to concentrate on specific subjects with different children, is taxing. We used to be through with school by noon each day, but not anymore.  And that's okay, its how it should be, but other things are getting pushed aside and my get-to-it-later list is way longer than my to-do list.

I am trying to preach to myself all that I would tell any other mom at this time-only do what is necessary.  Don't start new projects.  Concentrate on meals and school.  Enlist the kiddos to help and knock out house-cleaning in a morning.  Do easy meals.  Pull those meals out of the freezer you have been putting up. Take some time each day to sit and be still.  Play a silly game with your five year old.

Instead I have been still trying to keep up with all the other stuff too and it is wearing on me.

So, today I hope to calm down and do each thing I have to do intentionally and reasonably well.  I have to do school today, I have to buy groceries, because freezer meals are great, but if you don't have any dishwashing detergent to wash the plates and forks with, well, the meals aren't going to do you much good.

So thankful I have a hubby who understands, a momma who runs to help, and friends who listen.
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