Funny, Pretty, Happy, Real... (with an emphasis on the Real)

Do you see that nice picnic table at Tanneyhill State Park?  Our family sat there and ate lunch.  James walked by that spot 500 times going from the stream to us showing us all the things he had found.  My mom sat in a chair right by that table and we chit-chatted.  My dad's feet were inches RIGHT THERE as he ate delicious hot dogs and baked beans.  We were blissfully unaware.

Of this--a rattlesnake right under our feet.  A LIVE rattlesnake under our feet.

And he became a mad LIVE rattlesnake when the park rangers came and grabbed him with the snake tongs and his rattler went a rattling.  And then he became a DEAD rattlesnake when they park rangers ended his dangerous life.

So, to sum it up:

Pretty-nothing pretty about this
Happy-happy (and so thankful) that no one was hurt.  Our afternoon could have been very different.
Funny-nothing funny about this
Real-He's really dead.

Today I am linking up at Like Mother, Like Daughter.
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