I have found I really really really like it. It works for us and I have found I really enjoy it for several reasons. I thought I would share them here.
In no particular order:
1. All the cleanup is done when you are done. If I can be disciplined and actually clean as I go (load the dishwasher or hand wash as needed), then all I have to do is return everything to the pantry or fridge and then wipe down the counters. I love turning on the dishwasher knowing that part is done.
2. A real sense of accomplishment. So much of what we do as moms is never really done. I can leave the kitchen and know that I did something good for my family.
3. I don't have to think as much-about supper that is. I can look on my fridge and see my freezer list and know what is there.
4. I get to think more-about things I like to think about. I actually enjoy searching for recipes and planning and organizing how I will do my cooking times. I enjoy looking through the pantry and seeing what I can come up with and how to stretch it into several meals. It makes me happy. Don't know why, but it does.
6. It saves money. I have not done the calculations to see just how much, but I know it has. Shopping at ALDI ,doubling meals, cooking in bulk, and making two, or even three meals, out of one leftover meal is really starting to add up. It's taken several months of doing this, but I feel like things are much more manageable now as far as groceries go. I go with a plan and most times we are spending less than the grocery budget allows. Which is good because gas keeps going up and Mark has to drive a long way to work.
I am working diligently for the next three weeks to stock my pantry and my freezer and I have a grand plan in mind. I am doing it for all the reasons above, but also for two other reasons.
One, last year our Christmas season was so rushed and by the time it was over I was so glad. I am bound and determined it will not be that way this year. Having meals in the freezer and pantry for December will help so much with that. Its just a little thing, but in my mind its pretty big.
And two, I am hoping that I can take a big portion of the grocery money saved for December and buy Christmas presents. Don't worry, the kiddos will be getting presents regardless, this is just a personal goal of mine. We are having a very low-key Christmas as far a presents are concerned and the kids know this. I want to focus on the thing they would LOVE to get, not a whole bunch of stuff they don't want or need. I have gone crazy the past two years trying to find the perfect gift for so and so and now I don't even remember what those things were.
So, for the next three weeks I am going to be doing a little each day to make this goal possible. Now, as the children like to pray, "Please let no one get sick or seriously injured." :)
Today I am linking up at Homestead Revival's Barn Hop.
Be sure to visit Growing Home for more homemaking ideas too.
I am also linking up at Raising Homemakers.
Do any of you freezer cook? Hints, tips, suggestions, pretty please????
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