Mark and the boys worked all last weekend to get the old workshop converted to a goat barn. It is getting colder at night and we wanted to have a warmer place for them to sleep.They worked really hard and were able to get the workshop cleaned out and the holding/sleeping area all done with a lot of muscle and absolutely no money spent. They used what we already had and were very clever with what they did.
I sent Abbie out to take some pictures for me and I thought her pictures were fun. Her perspective was very different than what mine would have been. With me, you would have gotten pictures of hinges and wire. With her pictures you get cute little animals-much better!

I did want to show off their hard work. Next up is a feeding trough and waterer in here for them. This will also be the barn where Bea will be milked. |
Moose says Hey! |
James and Beatrice. Her little horns are just a-growing, and they hurt when she butts her head up. I guess that's what they are supposed to do though :) |
Scruffy thinks she is a dog and follows us everywhere around here. She stays up with the goats a lot and I think she thinks they are her pets. She has to know exactly what is going on with them all the time. |
Rosita is our only hen still laying right now. One egg every other day is not cutting it for us. We think the others must be in a molt-or either too old to be producing. Or either too lazy one. :) |
Matt is training Buddy to walk on a leash. He doesn't like it. But he goes along with it because he knows if he gets it done he can go back in the pen where the sweet feed is. |
The quail are all nestled in for the cold weather. |
The rabbits are just hanging around enjoying the cooler weather. They do better in cooler weather than hot. I guess I would too with all that fur. | | |
Other than that we have just been here at home having school and running the kids here and there. James is back to his full self after his sickness and it was evident by the dramatics last night. He decided to build a dam with every book from his bookshelf and block the way into the kitchen. Oh my goodness, you should have heard the wails and carrying-ons when he was told to put all the books back up. He got it done, but it was a long and painful process for both of us. Child-Raising-its not for the weak of heart.
linked up at Farm Girl Friday
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