Deep Breath...

Today we start school.  With all the children.  Not just one, or two, or three, but all four.  I know all you seasoned high school moms are saying, "hmp! no big deal."  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  :)  I've been up since 2:30. Can't sleep.  That means I will crash around 1:00, right when I need to be covering Mathematics with Matt.  That's what my mental schedule tells me.  I am seasoned enough to know NOT to write down a minute by minute schedule until AFTER the first day.  That will just end in tears for all of us. 

I know it will be okay, it has been for the past nine years.  I just feel very unprepared. 

I did do lots of preparation this weekend, and all of our books except for three are here, and they should arrive today.  All of the kids notebooks and boxes are filled and today will just be a day of history and going over things and what is expected with each child. Except for James, who is an old pro-being one week in. He actually asked to do Kindergarten Saturday.  He wanted to do some hard math and some science.  I declined, but we did sit on the swing and read books together.

Okay, here we go.  Less of me and more of Jesus.  I am going to keep saying that today, along with the advice from Elisabeth Elliot, "Just do the next thing." 

"Less of me, less of me, less of me...."
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