Anyways, today I worked on freezing meatballs for future meals. We have been using a lot of meatballs lately for Merry, Merry Meatballs, spaghetti, and my version of Porcupine Meatballs. I would link to them, but my blog is all catawonky and won't do what I want it to do. Imagine that.
I can buy meatballs already made at the store for $8.97 for 54 meatballs. This comes to .17 cents a meatball.
I used a recipe from my MOMYS cookbook, which if you don't have I don't know how you cook anything, because I use it ALL THE TIME. Sorry, I am a rambling fool today. I ended up making 178 meatballs for .12 cents each.
I already had all the other ingredients here at the house (onion, green pepper, cornstarch, bread crumbs) but they did cost something, so I will round each meatball up to .13 cents. Still a money-saver.
It took me 1 hour and 20 minutes though to make the balls, cook them, and then package them. I got enough for four meals and it is a great feeling to know they are in the fridge just waiting for me, but it was very time-consuming to make them all. I'm not sure if I will be doing this again.
I will most definitely be doing the freezer burritos again. They were a hit and I will be taking Lisa and Anke's suggestions and not wrapping in aluminium foil-to just freeze on a cookie tin and then package in plastic freezer bags. I can then reuse the plastic bags. I think you will still need to wrap them in a paper towel because that is what keeps the tortilla from drying out when you reheat them. I learned that lesson the hard way.
I think next week I would like to do a couple of casseroles or easy dinners to have in the fridge. Any suggestions? I"m going to put Abbie in charge in more breakfast burritos next Friday too so we can get twice as much done in the same amount of time.
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