I am also linking up at Simple Country Life today.
We are having our spring break this week which means I am trying to cram in as much deep cleaning into this week as I can. We are also leaving on Friday for a Heritage Girl Family Camporee so I am trying to get as much ironing and laundry done as I can. Whew! I have had so much more energy than usual so I am trying to run with it and use it to my advantage.
The deep cleaning also includes switching out the winter/summer clothes which is about as much fun as it sounds :). I tried something new this year. In previous years I would just have stacks here and there of clothes/items to give away, save for next year, the next child, or for a specific friend who had children certain sizes. After awhile I would get pretty confused with which pile went to what person.
(This was from Monday afternoon--the pile is much much bigger now)
This system has worked really well so far and I have all the children's summer/winter clothes switched out. Now I just have to do mine and Mark's. I also deep cleaned the kid's closets and Abbie's room. Oh my goodness, that girl could give Hoarders a run for their money!
Just a few more things to do, like the school shelves, and the pantry, and then I can call it a week. It feels so good to get all this done. How is your spring cleaning going? Or do you wait until school is over for the year to do all your deep stuff?
Don't forget to go here to enter my Lilla Rose Flexi-Clip giveaway!
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