Saturday night the Heritage Girls had a family square dance and even though my boys weren't too excited about it I did get this great quote from Tyler after it was over,
"It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be."So I'm calling it a night of family fun success...

Mark had plenty of opportunities to make silly faces at the camera.

Did you know James only has one sister at home, but he has about10 big sisters at Heritage Girls?

The girls had put coloring sheets out for the little kids, but Mark had fun coloring with James too.

The boys of true danceable age were greatly outnumbered by the girls there so their dance cards were full all night.

Abbie and one of her dancing partners before the music started. You can see in the background how excited Matt was to be out there dancing. I think he really did enjoy himself, we just won't ever hear about it.

James was my dancing partner and I was surprised at how seriously he took learning the dances. It was sort of hard though when you aren't too sure about which is your left and which is your right. Who am I kidding? It was hard to keep up even if you know your left from your right. So, on our rest breaks James and I found plenty of time to be silly too.
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