In my ever-running quest to find ways to feed the children a healthy lunch that will actually FILL THEM UP for at least two hours I decided to try to make homemade noodles. And then make a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup. I knew my mom had made dumplings on a regular basis so I at least figured I could give it a try. And plus, I have eggs like crazy right now and this is one way to use them up!
It was not hard at all. It took a little time for the pasta to get dry, but the actual making the noodles was, maybe 10 minutes.
Will I do this again? Yes, I believe so; now that I know how easy it is. I can't say I will do it every time I need a noodle, but they were good enough to give it another go. I like learning how to make things from scratch and as long as I have the eggs it is a good way to use them.
Next on my list: Dumplings!
Bethany-I was going to do the black beans yesterday, but Monday night when I went to pull them out to soak them I couldn't find them. They probably are floating around my head with all the other things I "thought" I did. I'll try them after next payday and buy groceries again.
Today I am linking up at Raising Homemakers.
Our Simple Country Life.
Teaching Good Things.
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