One of the best things you have ever put in your mouth....

No really, it is...

I have to make a cake for a gathering this afternoon and Saturday I decided to do a test run as it was a cake I had not made before.

Now, I am a pie girl. Cakes are good and all, but give me the creamy yumminess over the cake anyday. Until Saturday, when I met this cake. And all my years of pie loyalty began to crumble, just as the little pieces of cake did as I ate in joy. And I scooped those little pieces up and ate them too because of all the deliciousness.

Yep, a cake this good calls for some drama.

Trying to use up what is in my freezer I searched for blueberry cakes. I came upon this recipe, Berry Sour Cream Cake, and gave it a go. Here is the link to the original recipe and here is what I did. Cause I can't leave anything alone.

  • I did not add baking soda. Because I didn't' have any and my mother-in-law wasn't home to beg off of her.
  • I did not use raspberries as I only had blueberries.
  • I actually mixed in about 1/2 cup of blueberries into the batter and then put the rest down in a bundt pan before I poured in the batter.
  • The glaze is divine but it makes a lot. Next time I will half the glaze recipe to pour over the cake.

I dare you to try this cake and not love it. It got a thumbs up from every member of my family and Mark said it might be the best dessert I had ever made.

Oh, oh, oh, I started a craft project and finished it! I know, cooking and crafts and I'm not whining about something not going right. For years I have wanted to learn how to do embroidery. It has been at the low rung of my priority ladder, but I moved it up. And I became a little obsessed.

I made two pillowcase for Abbie's bed and even though they were very very very basic I think they are really pretty. Next I am going to look for some train or truck ones for James' bed. Who knows? I might pillowcase the whole family!
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