Children have an aversion to:
1) Turning off the lights as they leave a room
2) Picking up any item of underwear that is not theirs.
3) Folding any item of underwear that is not theirs.
4) Looking at any item of underwear that is not theirs.
4) Putting any form of laundry INTO the hamper, and not right beside it.
5) Changing a roll of toilet paper. Evidently it must shock their little hands or something.
6) Emptying the trash can when it gets to the top. Evidently their creative sensibilities encourage them to see how many different ways they get that last empty milk carton to actually stay on top of the pile.
7) Put both shoes together in the SAME place. Evidently it is much more fun to run around the house on Sunday mornings yelling, "I can't find my other shoe!!!!"
8) Closing the back door when I have the air conditioning running.
9) Keeping the back door open when I don't have the air running.
I thought my children might need some intensive therapy to help them overcome these phobias. But now I realize, most, if not all, children have these aversions (please tell me my household is not the only one effected).
I think the moms are the ones who might need the therapy.
What aversions do your children have? Please, make me feel better.....
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