Sunday, after church and the camping trip, was a pretty restful day at our house. I got in a much-needed nap. These old bones ain't what they used to be and sleeping on the ground is not what I would call "restful." And then I got in some swing time as Mark grilled hamburgers for us. I ignored the mess called Chaos de Clark and like Scarlett, decided to "think about it tomorrow." Of course, tomorrow came and I had to pay the piper, to say the least. I am still paying it with all the laundry that is still piled up. But, Sunday was wonderful.
So, after the wonderful day Sunday reality hit Monday morning with a trip to the doctor to get Matt a steriod shot because he is covered up in poison oak (again) and then I got to go to the doctor Monday afternoon because I have a suspicious mole. By the way, isn't that a terrible word-mole. Shudder. Anyway, they biopised it and we are waiting on the results. And then this morning James stepped on a wire (left over from the strawberry net building) and it went in the bottom of his foot and then out the side. Lovely.
I was proud of myself though. I remained calm and pulled it out. So, then we had a visit to the doctor to get his tetanus shot. He should have had one at his four year check-up, but his mother had not "quite gotten to that" yet. So, the poor kid had to get four shots all at one time. He got chocolate ice cream for a reward for being brave so he's good to go now.
So, that's three different doctor visits in two days. If anyone gets hurt tomorrow they are on their own. My pen refuses to write anymore co-pays this week.
In the midst of all that we tried to get some schoolwork done. Tomorrow will have to be laundry day for the MamaHen. The doctor said James needed to have on clean socks so his little foot wouldn't get infected. Doctor's orders for me.
I was proud of myself though. I remained calm and pulled it out. So, then we had a visit to the doctor to get his tetanus shot. He should have had one at his four year check-up, but his mother had not "quite gotten to that" yet. So, the poor kid had to get four shots all at one time. He got chocolate ice cream for a reward for being brave so he's good to go now.
So, that's three different doctor visits in two days. If anyone gets hurt tomorrow they are on their own. My pen refuses to write anymore co-pays this week.
In the midst of all that we tried to get some schoolwork done. Tomorrow will have to be laundry day for the MamaHen. The doctor said James needed to have on clean socks so his little foot wouldn't get infected. Doctor's orders for me.
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