I hope we can still be friends, and a giveaway....

James says "Hi!!!!"

He is enjoying all the falling leaves.  On this particular day he was pretending he was a bug hiding in the leaf pile.

Concerning falling leaves-I CANNOT believe it is the end of November.  I really don't think October and November happened.  It was like one of those time-changing continuum things on all the Sci-fi shows the boys like to watch.

Some of you may know I am a firm believer in AT doctrine.  I subscribe to the AT doctrine which states that no Christmas paraphernalia should be displayed until AFTER THANKSGIVING.  But, I am also a Presbyterian which means I believe in grace alone and that I should give grace to others.  So, if you are of the Other Camp-the BT (Before Thanksgiving) crowd-then we can still be friends.  We just won't be able to take Communion together.  Just kidding-sorta.

No, really, just kidding.  But I have been known to be very persuasive, so this is probably an argument you will never win.  But we can still be friends.

As for me and my house, we will be decorating After Thanksgiving, but we can surely get prepared beforehand.  And I got prepared as I walked into Cracker Barrel's Winter Wonderland of Ornaments on our trip back home last week.

I picked up this two cute snowflake ornaments and would love to give them away today along with this great family cookbook.  I love me some cookbooks so when I found out my friend, Gia is adopting and made up this cookbook to help fund bringing her new son home I had to purchase one.  One for me and one for you.  I think you will really like this cookbook and ole MamaHen contributed some recipes also.  You can go to Gia's blog and read more about their son and their plans for his adoption. 

All you have to do is tell me, are you an BT or AT believer.  I won't judge you either way, well, I will, but we can still be friends.  :)

I'll draw a name on Friday night and email the winner. 
You have just read the article entitled I hope we can still be friends, and a giveaway..... Please read the article from Dias Largos About https://diaslargosbsosguarros.blogspot.com/2013/11/i-hope-we-can-still-be-friends-and.html


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