~"I have a loose tooth so I am on soft foods for awhile." - This was James' rationale for requesting ice cream for breakfast.
~"But its not poisonous."-Matt's exact quote after he brought a six foot ALIVE snake to the house this week.
~"I am just going to run a little bioscan on it."-James bringing in various nature objects into my house.
~"Mom, you didn't turn on your blinker!" - Tyler, my eldest, who thinks he knows lots more about driving than I do. And suddenly has become a blinker nazi. But he got a haircut this week and he looks about five years older and I want to hold onto every single minute with him and somehow stop time. But I can't. So I am treasuring all these blinker nazi moments in my heart, knowing that his children will do the very same thing to him one day.
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