-It's exciting times here at Clark Acres. Yesterday lots of machinery descended upon us and the installation of a new septic tank and field lines began. Unfortunely a huge rainstorm stopped them from their work and now they will have to come back today. We also have family coming with young children so it should be an interesting day as our back yard is all torn up.
-The Jaw is doing well. Still gets achy at night, but maybe that is a sign I'm talking too much. :)
-Our garden is a bust this year. Too much rain and not enough sun. We are harvesting what we can, but what we are getting will not last a year. I hope to get to a farmer's market this weekend so I can get some things in the freezer.
-Yesterday Matt told me was bored, but quickly followed up with "But not bored enough to have to clean something." I think they have me figured out.
-Matt is watching an old Star Trek episode. He just looked at me and said, "Captain Kirk just doesn't need to allow any women at all on his ship."
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