A Quick Question....

Every morning we start our school day with what I call "History Time" because, well, we do our group history then.  It is also the time we do things like our Geography quizzes and if there is a special Bible reading, or current events, or I just give them a list of all the things I need them to do that day.  You know-mom stuff-I have a captive audience.

And since I have a captive audience I try to take 2-3 days a week and incorporate some very important history into their schooling-The History of Song and Dance.  Its a curriculum I wrote and designed myself which includes performing for them as they are forced to sit on the couch and loveseat and watch.  I know it will reap benefits for them in years to come.  After all, you never know when they will be called upon to sing "New York, New York" at the workplace.

We try to be well-rounded here at Clark Academy so they are also educated in the finer points of dance through the ages.  Yesterday they were treated to the Roger Rabbit.  And I attempted The Hammer, but I hurt myself and had to stop.  The sacrifices I make for these children. 

I want to teach them well.  This Harlem Shake thing-that's not dancing.  Catchy tune, but its not dancing.  I want them to know about the time when Line Dancing was King and Ice Ice Baby was played around the world on every station known to man.  Those were the good old days folks. 

So, all that to say-I am running out of ideas.  Any old style dances I have forgotten about?  That a 40 year old woman who may not be in the greatest shape can do? 

Because when I showed them my old high school dance team high kicks I hurt my lower back.  And the high kick should be respected.  You can't do a proper high kick with a hunched over back.  Mrs. Gilmore, my dance team sponsor, would not approve.
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