~It seems it rained for 15 days straight at the beginning of January and James decided to see how much rain he could catch in his plastic bag. It kept him occupied for a very long time and he had fun. So, I was good. And even though it is January it has been very warm here which is why he has no shoes on in this picture.
~This weekend I will be painting -again. I found out the hard way that there is a thing called TRIM Paint that I should have used on my TRIM and now I have to REDO it because the TRIM is already flaking and peeling and getting little marks all over it. I wish that SOMEONE would have told me there was such a thing as TRIM paint before I went to the paint store, but I promised to love this person through thick and thin 19 years ago and I promised in front of God and about 300 people so I am choosing to forgive and forget this-after I put it on my blog for everyone to see.
Really-I felt like such a doofus and couldn't figure out why my TRIM was not shiny like everyone else's. So, this weekend will be re-trimming and also finally finishing up my baseboards because I am supposed to get my new floor sometime in the next three weeks!!!!!!! Its so pretty ya'll. Its almost too pretty to walk on.
~I have a little book giveaway going on here if you want to check it out.
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