Rambling On Down the Blog Road....

I read somewhere a long time ago that to have a successful blog you are not supposed to write long rambling posts. You are supposed to be witty, interesting, and clever with very few words and lots of pictures. 

I'll just go ahead and warn you-today will not be any of  the above.

We are still working on the house.  The flooring arrived yesterday and should be installed tomorrow.  The ceiling guy is supposed to come Saturday to finish and then I can finish the little bit of painting that is left.  I still have blue painter's tape up in places which is in sharp contrast to the "Coastal Plains" green that the rest of the walls are sporting.  All of the pictures and what-nots are on my dining room table and they make me itch & cringe everytime I walk by them. 

I turned 40 yesterday.

Our internet and phone went down for four days because apparently when you paint it is very important for moisture NOT to get into the phone jack thingy.   Phone jacks do not like Coastal Plains paint although it is very pretty.

I am still making use of all the freezer meals, but we are running low.  After Christmas I plan to begin the restocking process, but for right now I am just enjoying pulling it all out of the freezer and plopping it in the crockpot.

I turned 40 yesterday and I did not cry once.

I almost cried when I read the Velveteen Rabbit to James and I thought about the day Tyler was born and how I felt that I had come alive and I knew without a shadow of doubt what I was put on earth to do. And I started to think about how my baby was six now and what I was going to do with no babies in the house-and then I remembered that I have 12 more years of homeschooling with him and he would always be my baby and blubber, blubber, sniff, sniff, and I put the book up without the tears spilling over.

We are wrapping up school-only six more days until Christmas break.  I'm not sure who is more excited-the kids or me.

The tree is up after three tries and it even has a couple of presents under it. I feel like I should get a gold star because I usually end of staying up really late Christmas Eve wrapping presents. 

James told me yesterday that he knew Santa was not real-that Aunt Jill, Nana, and I just wrapped up the presents and put them under the tree. Good grief-now I've got to get Santa to leave his busy workplace and come and talk to James about all this.  If you are six and live in this house then you HAVE to know that Santa is real. 

I turned 40 yesterday and developed a huge pimple on my chin.  I think my face still thinks it is 15. 
You have just read the article entitled Rambling On Down the Blog Road..... Please read the article from Dias Largos About https://diaslargosbsosguarros.blogspot.com/2012/12/rambling-on-down-blog-road.html


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