Wednesday Going-Ons....

~ Thanks for all the "controversy" comments.  Too fun!  I did some online research to find out the exact origins of the No White Shoes After Labor Day phenomenon  and found varied answers. 

Personally, I will continue to NOT wear white after Labor Day and will teach my daughter to do the same.  It's what my Momma taught me so it must be correct. :)

~It was a sad weekend at our house.  Sadie, our Wonder-Dog, was hit by a car.  It was going to cost an exhorbanant amount to fix her up and we had to surrender her to the vet.  He will do the necessary work on her and then try to find her a new home.  I have run the gauntlet of emotions about the whole thing this weekend.  And it was very hard on two of my children.  Which makes it very hard on a Momma.  Oh, if I could just take the pain for them.

~The garden is coming in wonderfully.  And we are getting lots of blackberries.  There is a small problem though.  I can't stop eating them before they make it into the house.

~We are through with school for five weeks!  So, I have five weeks to do all those things I say I am going to do in the house the other 47 weeks.  We'll see how that goes. 

~Abbie and I are almost through with Anne of Green Gables and then we are going to have a movie viewing party with Aunt Jill and Nana.  Abbie has big plans for this party and even has a Anne-Party notebook so it should be something.

~Our little orphan kitten is growing like crazy and is so much fun!  Abbie did a great job bottle-feeding her and now she eats soft cat food.  She was not happy about the bottle-weaning and having to lap water, but a little saucer of milk each morning helped things along. 

~Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
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