Hope for the Homemaker....

Okay, by now you probably know I L.O.V.E being a homemaker. Its what I've always wanted to be and I really want to be good at it. I am better than I was, but there is always room for growth and improvement. Well, enter Nony.

Have you heard of Nony of A Slob Comes Clean? I'm not sure how I found her site, but I am so glad I did. I have been reading of how she is winning in her de-slobification process (her words, not mine) and her honesty and true practical tips have spurred me on to do better in my home.

You see, I want the clean house, I want the clean fresh sheets blowing on the clothesline, I want the big family breakfasts each morning.

I am good at the wanting. I am good at making plans. I am good at doing those plans for about a week. And then a whole bunch of out-of-the-blue life hits me and I shut down. I feel like I can't handle both, and sometimes you can't and shouldn't expect yourself too. But I will have one day when things get all wacky and then I give up on the house. I have lacked consistency and discipline in certain areas of my home on a regular basis and you can only do that for so long before it begins to look like your house was ramshacked by thieves bent on finding that money that never was hidden in the first place.

Nony has just released an e-book called 28 Days to Hope for Your Home. And hope is what this book gives you. Do you ever get excited about Spring Cleaning, but can't get past the surface clutter in your home? This book will help you. Do you jump and hide when the doorbell rings because you don't want someone to come in? This is the book for you.

Will this book fix all your homemaking problems and issues? No, but it is a start. A 28 day start to get the wheels moving towards a cleaner and happier home. Twenty-Eight Days is written by someone who knows what it is to discover hope-because it is the process she went through to get her own home under control.

This book will give you:

  • 28 days of specific instructions to develop four basic habits that will help you find hope for your home.
  • Insights into why these habits are so difficult for some women to embrace.
  • Bonus sections which include practical strategies for decluttering, dealing with laundry, and preparing quick, home-cooked meals.
  • Since it’s an e-book, they get to download it immediately to their computer upon purchase, and do not have to pay shipping costs. It can even be read on a Kindle!
I read this book and even though I have been a homemaker for 17 years now it encouraged me in my job. I think you will love it also.

You can go here to get your own copy. It's on sale right now for $4.00. Yep, that's it. A great sale price for a great e-book!

Legal mumbo-jumbo in which I really don't understand but was told I must post. :)

This is an affiliate link. I was given the e-book to review for free and I will receive a percentage of the price of the book for any that are sold through my link on this post.
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