Here is where the problem comes in. Before and after the laundry gets to me I am noticing some lack of, um, concern with the younger folks.
So, I am planning on starting a Laundry Bootcamp at my house pronto. Here are some of the rules I am laying down before it begins:
1. Clean folded clothes DO NOT go back into the laundry hamper.
2. Clean folded clothes DO NOT go on top of the dresser, beside the dresser, or even under the dresser. They go IN the dresser. That's why we have a dresser in the first place.
3. Pajamas are not necessarily dirty each time you wear them. They can be folded and put back into the dresser.
4. Belts must be taken off of pants BEFORE being put into the hamper. Because when they get caught on that little rubber thing in the washer it makes mommy a little cranky.
5. Crayons, glow sticks, pens, pencils, or old apple cores do not get to be washed in the washing machine. If they need to be washed you can wash them yourself in the sink. Or better yet, you can stop sticking them in your pockets and then forgetting to take them out. The only extra thing I want to find in the laundry is money of the bill persuasion. I consider it a little "tip" for all my hard work.
So tomorrow, bright and early, before we start our schoolwork everyone is going to learn the proper way to do laundry. Cause if Mama ain't happy with the laundry situation, no one is going to be happy. :)
So sweet ladies, am I forgetting anything important about kids and laundry? Do your kiddos do any of the above or is it just mine?
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