Funny (and real too)
Little boys who decide to throw a fit on the beach because they can't get their way and then quickly learn that sand in the mouth is lots worse than not getting your way.
Matthew, who is sick with some kind of throat/viral thing. I asked him if I could get him a pillow and he replied no. Matt is um, um, ...different... that way.
I hope you will go check out everyone else's {pretty, happy, funny, real} posts today. They will make you smile.
Also, if you don't mind will you go to the top-left corner and vote for our new dairy goat's name. Sweet Hubby already has his goat's name picked out, and I think I know what I want to name mine, but I would love to know what you think!
Also, if you don't mind will you go to the top-left corner and vote for our new dairy goat's name. Sweet Hubby already has his goat's name picked out, and I think I know what I want to name mine, but I would love to know what you think!
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